PRiMO uses digital technology to create the films that they do. They use three Canon XF300 (that are approved and used by the BBC) cameras to shoot in full, broadcast quality, HD to ensure the highest quality footage. They also have a Canon XF200 for the more mobile shoot and a Canon C300 for the more detailed, delicate shots and talking heads. In addition, they use a Go Pro camera for the more ‘active’ POV shoots.
Their edit suite of choice is Final Cut Pro which they use on their Mac’s. This allows them the capability to utilise their green screen facilities where the project requires it. They can also capture archive footage from VHS, DVD or any other analogue (or digital) format should it be necessary.
PRiMO also has disc duplication facilities and the ability to full colour print onto multiple DVD’s to ensure the highest possible finishing.
Technology is advancing rapidly and PRiMO tries to keep up with the latest technological advancements. They are capable of formatting any project suitable for any device – be it a phone, tablet, projector or computer monitor.